Thursday, September 09, 2010

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Though sadly no longer dressed like those depicted in the recently re-released and ubiquitous, Take Ivy, fall will always be the time for tweed blazers, weejun loafers and cozy sweaters.
Fall also marks the return of Blowing Sunshine. After a spring and summer hiatus, yours truly resurfaces to embrace my favorite time of year and to bring little bits of news from Southern California and beyond.
Now, I would never profess to be as prolific as the dear Duchess, duchessofcorbin.blogspot.com , or an arbiter of style as The Sartorialist, thesartorialist.blogspot.com or even to have my finger on the Mod and Fashion Forward looks of His Knibs, www.hisknibs.com. But I do hope to bring a little insight to these confusing times without needing to candy-coat the absurdities of everyday life. Please join me, won't you.